The former Department of General Education and Mission (DGEM) is now strategically placed under the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs beginning AY2021-22 and recast as the Office of General Education and Mission (OGEM) to meet the needs of Carolinian tertiary learners under the new normal and to focus on the delivery of Education with a Mission.
The Office is tasked with the delivery of two institutionally-mandated courses, namely The Carolinian Missionary (EdM 1) and The Mission of Prophetic Dialogue (EdM2) in addition to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)-mandated general education curriculum (CMO no. 20, s. 2013). The Commission has awarded the University of San Carlos as a delivering higher education institution for the training of general education faculty from 2017 (The Contemporary World), 2018 to 2019 (all nine GenEd courses).
Involved in several research areas including student workload, well-being and academic attainment, meaningful course-based community extension services, achieved competencies and readiness, as well as cohort evaluation of EdM and GenE courses, the Office obtained a CHED Instruction, Research, and Sectoral Engagement (IRSE) grant from 2016-2018, as well as an Institutional Development and Innovation Grant (IDIG).
For more information, contact:
The Director, OGEM
Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center
University of San Carlos Talamban Campus
Nasipit, Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Trunkline (+63 32) 230 0100 local 317
Email ogem@usc.edu.ph
Director | Office of General Education and Mission -