Simplified admission and enrollment procedures for incoming first year students, transferees, graduate students, and Juris Doctor applicants are found through the links below for your convenience.
Find out how to become a Carolinian and be a Witness to the Word!
First year applicants
Graduate student applicants
Juris Doctor applicants
International student applicants
The Flexible Learning Plan primer for Academic Year 2022-2023 is available here. Access may require students to log in to their USC email address.
Download the FLP primerCollege Admission Examinations will resume starting AY 2024-2025 . Check out our admission requirements.
Admission requirements and other relevant information for admission to our Basic Education in both the North and South Campuses can be downloaded or viewed by clicking on the posters below.
The general guidelines for International Students are now available. Click here to view.
Download the Enrollment GuideLIS 1201 Collection Management of Information Resources (3 units)
LIS 1202 Information Resources and Services 1 (3 units)
LIS 1203 Organization of Information Resources 1 (3 units)
LIS 2201 Management of Library and Information Centers (3 units)
For more information, visit the LIS section on the 2nd floor of the Baumgartner Learning Resource Center in Talamban Campus.
Admission requirements and other relevant information for admission to Grade 11 can be viewed by clicking on the poster below.