Purino, Maria Marjorie

Purino, Maria Marjorie

Associate Professor



Bachelor of Philosophy, University of San Carlos, 1998
M.A. Philosophy, University of San Carlos, 2003
Ph.D. Philosophy, University of San Carlos, 2011
Sumitomo Foundation Fellow, Engakuji Monastery, 2008

Research Interests:

Indian philosophy, Buddhist philosophy, Zen Buddhism, Kant, Heidegger, D. T. Suzuki

Recent Publications:

1. Purino, M. M. The Early Heidegger and D. T. Suzuki on Postmodern Being. ACTA: Proceedings of the Quadricentennial International Philosophy Congress. UST Publishing House: Manila, Philippines (2011): 508-513.
2. Purino, M. M. Postmodernism and Communicative Action-A Lived Experience. USC Graduate Journal 22 (2005): 126-138.
3. Purino, M. M. The Meaning of Nirvana. UNITAS Journal 78 (2005): 99-126.
4. Purino, M. M. Postmodernism and Liberation. USC Graduate Journal 21 (2005): 1-5.

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