Carpio-Bernido, Ma. Victoria

Carpio-Bernido, Ma. Victoria

Visiting Professor


B.S. Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1982
M.S. Physics, State University of New York Albany, 1986
Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, State University of New York Albany, 1989

Research Interests:

Quantum mechanics, stochastic processes, Feynman path integrals

Recent Publications:

1. Bernido, C. C. and Carpio-Bernido, M. V. Transition Probabilities for Processes with Memory on Topological Non-trivial Spaces, in Stochastic and Infinite Dimensional Analysis (Birkhäuser, Switzerland, 2016) 39-49.

2. Bernido, C. C. and Carpio-Bernido, M. V. Stochastic Path Summation with Memory, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series 36 (2015) 1560006.

3. Bernido, C. C. and Carpio-Bernido, M. V. White Noise Analysis: Some Applications in Complex Systems, Biophysics and Quantum Mechanics, International Journal of Modern Physics, B26 (2012) 1230014.

4. Bacabac, R. G., Ayade, H., Villaruz, L., Carpio-Bernido, M. V., Bernido, C., Otadoy, R. Characterizing Strains and Twists in a Stretched Helix with Optical Tweezers, Journal of Biomechanics 45 (2012) S75.

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