Roque, Arlyn M.

Roque, Arlyn M.


B.S. Applied Physics, University of San Carlos, 2009
M.S. Physics, University of San Carlos, 2014

Research Interests:

Biophysics, physics education

Recent Publications:

1. A. Roque. A study on Growing of Ice Crystal after Breaking of Super Cooling Condition by Numerical Simulations and MRI Measurements” JSRAE 33(3), 261-266, 2016 (Japanese version), JSRAE, 34(1), 2017 (English version).

2. A. Roque. Resolving the Structural Transition of Aqueous Alginate Dispersion and Calcium Cross-linked Gel Using Strain-Rate Frequency Superposition. 31st Physics Congress of the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines, October 23-25, 2013.

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