Assistant Professor
Lab-in-charge DML
B.S. Computer Engineering, University of San Carlos, 2009
M.Engg. Computer Engineering, University of San Carlos, 2015
Embedded systems, computer hardware, machine vision
1. Macapagal, A. J., Encienzo, N. L., Enriquez, N. M., Giangan, A. M., Labrador, L. M., Santillan, P. J. FPGA-based ball collecting robot. Int. Conf. Elec. Informat. Comm. 2010, 6, 138-142.
2. Macapagal, A. J., Abello, M. K., Chua, M. V., Legaspi, A. L., Meneses, C. N., Ongluico, C. A. Implementing Linux-5 robotic arm using Denavit-Harlenberg motion conventions as a teaching tool for dynamics. Int. Conf. Elec. Informat. Comm. 2010, 6, 336.