Attending Veterinarian | IACUC
Full Instructor
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Central Mindanao University
Infectious small animal and livestock diseases, serology, diagnostic veterinary clinical pathology and parasitology, zoonotic diseases, natural pharmaceuticals
1. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Estrera, A. L.; Talle, M. G.; Liu, M.; Xuan, X. 2019. “Detection of Mycoplasma and Hepatozoon spp. in Philippine dogs.” Protozool. Res. J. 29:1-7.
2. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Momouni, P. F. A.; Arreglo, R. M. et al. 2018. “Serological and molecular detection of Theileria (Babesia) equi and Babesia caballi in Philippine horses. Ticks Tick Borne Diseases 9(5):1125-1128.
3. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Liu, M.; Momouni, P. F. A. et al. 2017. “First report on Babesia canis vogeli infection in dogs in the Philippines.” Parasitol. Int. 66(1):813-815.
4. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Belarmino, L. M.; Arnado, L. L. et al. 2017. “Detection of gastrointestinal parasites in goats (Capra hircus) in Barili, Cebu, Philippines.” J. Agric. Technol. Manage. 19(1).