Author Archives: usc


Three USC grads in top 10 of 2017 Bar exams

Law topnotchers (from left) Christianne Mae C. Balili, Ivanne D'laureil I. Hisoler, and Rheland S. Servacio. Three Carolinians placed in the top...

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USC Law bags top International Moot Court prize

From left to right: Tess Marie Tan, Mark Lawrence Badayos, Atty. Joan Largo, Rashid Pandi, and Stephanie Marie Abigail Olea. The University of...

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Econ stude returns from Harvard confab

Minerva poses at Harvard Yard. Marionne Minerva, a third-year B.S. Economics-Business student represented the University of San Carlos and the...

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University of San Carlos

New downpayment rate for freshmen

The Office of the Vice President for Finance has announced a new downpayment rate of PHP3,000.00 for tertiary freshmen students effective on the...

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University of San Carlos

Half-day work on Wednesday, Mar 28th

The Vice President for Administration has announced that work on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 will only be half-day. A copy of the memorandum can be...

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Mosquito Research Laboratory reopens

The newly renovated Mosquito Research Laboratory of the Department of Biology was blessed and...

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