Author Archives: usc


USC to celebrate Mental Health Month 2023

The USC Counseling and Development Center (CDC) will launch its Mental Health Month 2023 celebration with a face-to-face event on October 6, 2023 in...

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University of San Carlos

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First reading: Ez. 18:25–28 Thus says the LORD: You say, “The LORD’s way is not fair!” Hear now, house of Israel: Is it my way that...

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USC Law receives Justice Award from Legal Education Board

The University of San Carlos School of Law and Governance (SoLG) received one of the first-ever “Educating for Justice Award for Top Contributing...

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USC, Dutch Universities convene for 5th River Scan Challenge

The annual Metro Cebu River Scan Challenge took place on April 17-28, 2023. This two-week event, now on its fifth year, was organized by the...

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USC Department of Civil Engineering holds its 1st GIS Mini-Conference

Last May 22, 2023, the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of San Carlos held its first GIS Mini Conference with the theme...

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USC celebrates World Water Day through its 1st Water Conference

Last March 22, 2023, the University of San Carlos, in cooperation with the Office of the External Relations and Internationalization and the...

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