Author Archives: usc

University of San Carlos

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First reading: Is. 6:1–2a,3–8 In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of his garment...

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USC joins Task Force Odette for post-typhoon relief

SVD confreres led by Fr. President Narciso A. Cellan Jr., SVD (in light blue shirt on top of the truck) join the rice distribution effort. The...

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University of San Carlos

USC profs named ADSI world’s best scientists

Eleven faculty members of the University of San Carlos were included in the 2022 AD Scientific Index which ranks scientists globally according to...

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University of San Carlos

University officers 2nd semester AY 2021-22

The Office of the University President released the list of University officers for the 2nd semester of AY 2021-22. Notably, Fr. Nielo M. Cantilado,...

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University of San Carlos

Baptism of the Lord

Sunday, January 9 First reading: Is. 42:1–4,6–7 Thus says the LORD: Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one with whom I am...

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University of San Carlos

Enrollment downpayment advisory

Tertiary and Senior High School students may opt to enroll for the 2nd semester without paying the downpayment. This was the message of a joint...

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