Category Archives: The Word in Other Words

University of San Carlos

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

First reading: Dt. 30:10–14 Moses said to the people: “If only you would heed the voice of the LORD, your God, and keep his commandments and...

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University of San Carlos

14th Week in Ordinary Time

First reading: Is. 66:10–14c Thus says the LORD: Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad because of her, all you who love her; exult,...

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University of San Carlos

13th Week in Ordinary Time

First reading: 1 Kgs. 19:16b,19–21 The LORD said to Elijah: “You shall anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah, as prophet to succeed...

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University of San Carlos

Trinity Sunday

First reading: Prv. 8:22–31 Thus says the wisdom of God: “The LORD possessed me, the beginning of his ways, the forerunner of his prodigies...

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University of San Carlos

Pentecost Sunday

First reading: Acts 2:1–11 When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky...

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University of San Carlos

6th Sunday of Easter

First reading: Acts 15:1–2,22–29 Some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to...

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