Center of Development Hotel and Restaurant Management

Center of Development Tourism Management


The Department first offered a B.S. in Hotel and Restaurant Management (B.S. H.R.M.) under the then College of Education in 1994. Doors started to open for the fledgling Department when it entered into an International Practicum Training Program with the American Hospitality Academy in 2002. Three years later, it offered the Bachelor of Tourism Management, and one year after that, offered a Certificate in Cruise Line and Service Operations Management. Partnering with Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia in 2008, the Department offered a Certificate II and Certificate IV Diploma in Hospitality embedded in the first two years of the B.S. H.R.M. curriculum, and two years later offered a Diploma in Culinary Arts. The Department started to offer graduate programs in Hospitality and Tourism Management in 2014, and in 2016 was recognized by the Commission on Higher Education as a Center of Development for H.R.M. and Tourism Management.

The Department of Hospitality Management envisions to become a leading hospitality and tourism department that molds students into “glocal” citizens who can translate their passion for food, travel, and people into management careers as experts and entrepreneurs in the restaurant, hotel, and tourism industry. Balancing academic rigor and practical application, our programs broadly covers multi-dimensional hospitality and tourism education, equipping students with the expertise, commitment, and skills necessary for the industry.

Our graduates are business professionals who can build careers in hospitality and tourism at the national and international arenas. They are responsible, socially-conscious, culturally-sensitive, moral, and ethical citizens motivated by the desire to serve others. They reflect the core values of USC and the School of Business and Economics by creating, managing, and distributing wealth in tourism and hospitality service-related enterprises, including to those who are less fortunate and excluded.

For more information, contact:
The Chair, Department of Hospitality Management
3F, Hoerdemann Building
Pelaez Street, Cebu City 6000
Trunkline +63-32-401-2300 local 555/556

Programs offered

Graduate Programs
Master in Management major in:
Hospitality Management
Tourism Management

Undergraduate Programs
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
Diploma in Culinary Arts (Two-Year Program)

TESDA-recognized assessment center

Commercial cookery
Front office
Food and beverage service

Partnerships and linkages

Department of Tourism
Province of Cebu
Department of Science and Technology
Cebu Food Consultancy Group
Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Regional Ecotourism Council
Hotel, Resort, and Restaurant Association of Cebu (HRRAC), Inc.
Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines (COHREP)
Association of Administrators of Hospitality, Hotel, and Restaurant Management Educational Institutions (AARHMEI)
Tourism and Hospitality Educators Association (THEA) in the Visayas, Inc.
