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Talle, Maxfrancis G.

Attending Veterinarian | IACUC
Full Instructor



Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Central Mindanao University

Research Interests:

Infectious small animal and livestock diseases, serology, diagnostic veterinary clinical pathology and parasitology, zoonotic diseases, natural pharmaceuticals

Recent Publications:

1. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Estrera, A. L.; Talle, M. G.; Liu, M.; Xuan, X. 2019. “Detection of Mycoplasma and Hepatozoon spp. in Philippine dogs.” Protozool. Res. J. 29:1-7.

2. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Momouni, P. F. A.; Arreglo, R. M. et al. 2018. “Serological and molecular detection of Theileria (Babesiaequi and Babesia caballi in Philippine horses. Ticks Tick Borne Diseases 9(5):1125-1128.

3. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Liu, M.; Momouni, P. F. A. et al. 2017. “First report on Babesia canis vogeli infection in dogs in the Philippines.” Parasitol. Int. 66(1):813-815.

4. Ybañez, A. P.; Ybañez, R. H. D.; Talle, M. G.; Belarmino, L. M.; Arnado, L. L. et al. 2017. “Detection of gastrointestinal parasites in goats (Capra hircus) in Barili, Cebu, Philippines.” J. Agric. Technol. Manage. 19(1).