Assistant Professor
A.B. English, University of San Carlos, 1991
M.A. Literature, University of San Carlos, 2001
British literature
1. Latras, F. and Samson, S. (2016). Literary Encounters: A Comprehensive Worktext in 21st Cent. Literature from the Philippines and the World. University of San Carlos Press: Cebu City, Philippines.
2. Maxilom, R. M., Plasencia, N., Pielago, M. R., Romeo, A., Ablen, C., Ariosa, M. C., Inez, J., Latras, F., & Villaflor, R. (2016). Reading comprehension component of Grade 7 & Grade 8 English and Filipino textbooks, PAGE VII Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1, 49-50.