Full Professor
A.B. Philosophy, University of St. La Salle,1998
M.A. Philosophy, University of San Carlos, 2006
Ph.D. Philosophy, University of New South Wales,Australia, 2012
Zhuangzi, Epistemology, Logic, Ethics
1. (2023). “Zhuangzi as externalist: Reconciling two interpretations of the Happy Fish debate,” Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East.
2. (2023)(co-authored with Orlando Ali Mandane, Jr.). “The Zhuangist Primitivist attitude towards technology: further questions for thinking about technological orientation,” Kritike: An Online Journal of Philosophy 17, no. 1: pp. 77-96
3. (2022). “Reasons for Teaching Critical Thinking: A Proposal in Confucian Ethics,” Lukad: An Online Journal of Pedagogy 2, no. 2: pp. 29-41
4. “Li 禮 and Filipino behavioural propriety.” International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies 16, no. 2 (July 2020): 85-115 (Theme: Indigenous, Local, and Regional Traditions: Views from Ritual and Ceremony; organized and edited by Peter Wong Yih Jiun).
5. “The Challenge of selfish actions to the Fight against COVID-19 and Mencius’s condemnation of Yang Zhu.” Social Ethics Society Journal (July 2020): 32-52.
6. “Does guiji mean egoism?: Yang Zhu’s conception of self,” Asian Philosophy 25, no. 2 (2015): 216-223.
Villaver, R. B. Zhuangzi and Philosophy. PHAVISMINDA Journal 8 (2009): 115-123.
2. Villaver, R. B. Wuwei in the Daodejing: Understanding Daoist Ethics. PHAVISMINDA Journal 6 (2007): 31-46.
3. Villaver, R. B. Daoist Wuwei and Filipino Gender Sensitivity. USC Graduate Journal 23 (2006): 1-20.