Category Archives: Events and Updates

University of San Carlos

Governance, cultural mediation lecture

Two lectures on Governance and Cultural Mediation in Spanish Philippines will be delivered on June 29, 2018 at the Dingman Hall, 2nd floor,...

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University of San Carlos

Job opportunities at USC

Learn about job opportunities at the University of San Carlos for Academic Year 2018-2019. Click here. Tags: Human Resource Management...

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WIPO experts visit USC

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) experts Richard S. Cahoon, Ph.D. and David Simmons, along with Intellectual Property Office of...

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USC teams bag 2 final slots in Farmer Entrepreneurship Program

USC FEP teams (from left) Bukad composed of (seated) Veronica Bentulan, Engr. Christine Marie Gohetia (focal person for the competition), Rachel...

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University of San Carlos

No class, work on June 15

The Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and Administration jointly issued a memorandum stating that there will be no classes or work on June 15,...

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USC hosts international relations pre-confab forum

The USC Department of Political Science with American Corner Cebu collaborated with the Philippine International Studies Organization (PHISO) to...

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