Sophia S. Pagaran and Bea May I. Remedio, both fourth-year BS Pharmacy students of the University of San Carlos, participated virtually at the Federation of Asian Pharmaceutical Associations (FAPA) Congress 2022 held on November 11, 2022, where they were awarded as second runner-up for best oral presentation.

They presented results of their undergraduate thesis entitled, “Pharmacokinetics of Loratadine after Intranasal Application of its Gel Formulation” under the guidance of their adviser, Gerard Lee L. See, R.Ph., Ph.D., SRPharmS.
The students’ presentation mainly focuses on the pharmacokinetic parameters exhibited by loratadine administered intravenously vs. intranasally. Their study found that with its enhanced bioavailability, convenient dosing, and simple administration, loratadine incorporation may be advantageous for patients experiencing conditions affecting the nasal mucosa.
Their outstanding performance on the international scene is proof that the USC Department of Pharmacy consistently exhibits excellence beyond distance and transcends greater heights.
The FAPA Congress is a biennial convention attended by its members from the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and Western Pacific Region. Each congress provides an avenue for its members to share expertise, showcase new developments or discoveries, acquire new strategies, and connect with pharmacists from different organizations or nations.
The 28th FAPA Congress, with its theme, “Pharmacists Building Better Health System,” was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia on November 8–12, 2022 attended by 632 on-site delegates and 498 online delegates.