USC was represented by Fr. Eleno Bucia, SVD, Director of the Office for External Affairs, and School of Engineering Dean Dr. Evelyn B. Taboada, while Universitas Jember was represented by Drs. Moh. Hasan, M.Sc., Ph.D., Rektor and Dr. Ir. Entin Hidaya, M.UM., Dean, Faculty of Engineering.
Also accompanying Fr. Bucia and Dr. Taboada were Fr. Aleksander Gaut, SVD, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Engr. Ricardo Fornis, Assistant Dean of the School of Engineering (see below). Dr. Taboada also presented a lecture on “Biowaste Biorefinery: Example of a University Technology Transfer to Industry” to the faculty members and students of Universitas Jember.
The partnership covers curriculum development, student exchange, academic staff exchange, and research collaboration. Universitas Jember has existing collaborative arrangements with USC’s School of Business and Economics and School of Health Care Professions.
by Engr. Christine Marie I. Gohetia
Tags: Engineering