USC inks MOA with Hanabana Construction and Equipment Corp.

Earlier today, April 30, 2024, the University of San Carlos entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with Hanabana Construction and Equipment Corporation on the upgrading and refurbishing of the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

From left: Engr. Rosana J. Ferolin, D.I.T. (Dean, School of Engineering), Engr. Bernaden A. Odchigue (Hanabana Construction), Fr. Jesuraj Anthoniappen, SVD, Ph.D. (VP Academics), Fr. Francisco Antonio T. Estepa, SVD, Ph.D. (USC President), Atty. Joan S. Largo, Ll.M. (VP Administration), and Engr. Michael Loretero, Ph.D. (Chair, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering).

A USC alumnus, Engr. Bernaden A. Odchigue (M.E. Class 1999) represented Hanabana Construction, whose president is also a member of the same class. Engr. Odchigue was grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the development of future engineers, sharing that hydraulics is also at the heart of Hanabana’s business. While based in Cagayan de Oro City, the company is involved in various water-related projects all throughout the Philippines.

To the delight of the SVD confreres, Engr. Odchigue revealed that he was once an SVD brother. He was also a classmate of the Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Engr. Michael Loretero, Ph.D.

Engr. Bernaden A. Odchigue (left) shared to USC’s administrators why the hydraulics laboratory was important to Hanabana’s business interests.

USC President Fr. Francisco Antonio T. Estepa, SVD, Ph.D. welcomed members of Class 1999 who were in attendance for the signing and thanked Hanabana Construction for their contribution to the training and development of future engineers.

Meanwhile, USC Vice President for Administration Atty. Joan S. Largo, Ll.M. shared some photographs of the current state of the hydraulics laboratory to members of M.E. Class 1999 and three former chairs of the department, Engr. Edgar Bontuyan, Engr. Edwin Carcasona, Ph.D., and Engr. Carmelo O. Dilao, Ph.D. (currently connected with Hitachi Japan), who also attended the MOA signing. Atty. Largo then showed the group artist’s rendering and the plans for the renovated laboratory, citing that Hanabana’s donation exceeded the costs for the smart classrooms that were also donated by other alumni as part of USC’s R.I.S.E. project.

Group shot of the USC administrators, DMME faculty and staff, former M.E. chairs, and members of M.E. Class 1999.

For his part, USC Vice President for Academic Affairs Fr. Jesuraj Anthoniappen, SVD, Ph.D., thanked Hanabana Construction for partnering with USC in the development of current and future students, and hinted at the possibility of future engagements and the sharing of expertise and real-world experience that will enrich classroom and laboratory learning. He thanked M.E. Class 1999 for not only coming home to USC but also for bearing gifts.

USC has earlier designated July 2024 as alumni month, urging Carolinians to come home to USC.

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