Author Archives: usc


Advisory on 2nd semester classes

Latest: December 17, 2020 A joint memorandum from the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and Administration announced the adjustment of...

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Fr. Cellan formally installed as 11th USC President

Together, stars, harbinger, and warriors. These were the words Fr. Narciso A. Cellan Jr., SVD, D.Comm. expounded in his inaugural speech (above)...

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CREST off-grid project featured by British Council

Transporting the solar panels to the islands requires boats fitted with outriggers. Here a solar panel is off-loaded at Gilutongan Island. The...

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Advisory regarding potential Internet interruption

The Offices of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Administration issued an advisory today, September 24, 2020, regarding possible slower...

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University of San Carlos

Advisory for international students

The Office of External Relations recently issued an advisory for possible admission of new international students following the Commission on...

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