The University of San Carlos has been chosen as one the presenters to the first ever Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Virtual Fair on October 27, 2021.
Erasmus+ is the European Union’s programme to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe as well as its partner countries. This year’s global event offers the opportunity to listen to professors and staff from around the world who succeeded in improving teaching methodologies, expanding the educational offer, and enhancing governance efficiency of their Higher Education Institutions.
The Carolinian team is composed of Fr. Eleno P. Bucia, SVD as USC Team Lead, researchers Elizabeth M. Remedio, Ph.D., Brenette L. Abrenica, and Engr. Irish Tejero-Dakay as administrator and technical in-charge. Abrenica and Dakay will be representing the ANTENA Project whose main objective is to increase the academic quality and research of universities in the Philippines through the development of internationalization capacities.

The project coordinator, University of Alicante (Spain), has been satisfied by USC’s outputs and performance in the project hence the recommendation to have USC present on behalf of the project that is participated by various universities and institutions in the Philippines and in Europe.
About 100 CBHE projects from all regions of the world will display their most relevant results in 28 dedicated sessions and in 16 training sessions on October 26-27. Through the sharing of best practices academics, university managers, students, and national policy makers can gain inspiration on how to shape the next generation of CBHE projects.
Despite the on-going pandemic, USC has optimized its online platforms for team meetings and brainstorming activities leading to the development of its highly contextualized Strategic Plan. As a result, USC became the first Philippine HEI to comply with the output required by ANTENA which led to its presentation in this prestigious global event.
This accomplishment is just one of the institution’s efforts to show the agility of USC in concretizing a road map for its internationalization and the recognition of the University as one of the best not just in the country but also in the international arena. To those who are interested to witness this momentous milestone, registration is available through this link:
by Syrine Gladys Podadera