The program orientation for the Farmer Entrepreneurship Youth Challenge will be at 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. on September 29, 2017 at LB347TC and LB348TC, Fr. Lawrence Bunzel Building in Talamban Campus. This program is an initiative of the Jollibee Group Foundation in cooperation with the University of San Carlos. Tags: Events
University of San Carlos responds by redefining its raison d’etre as Education with a Mission, whose outcome should be Witness to the Word, validated through Scientia, Virtus et Devotio. One of the challenges issued by CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 46 series of 2013 is for each school to redefine its reason for being and … Continue reading
A workshop designed to develop General Education free elective courses was held by the Department of General Education and Mission (GEM) last September 19, 2017 at the Virtual Training Room of the Josef Baumgartner Learning Resource Center in Talamban Campus. The input-oriented workshop was facilitated by Engr. Luis Cabatingan, Chair of the Department of Chemical … Continue reading
The USC Department of Business Administration held its 16th Entrepreneurship Fair on September 14–17, 2017 at the Activity Center of Ayala Center Cebu. Twenty-one student enterprises, along with partner entrepreneurs from the Kapamilya Negosyo Na project of the School of Business and Economics alumni association showcased their products during the fair. Entrepreneurship majors of the … Continue reading
The University of San Carlos in collaboration with the Department of Health, the Natasha Goulbourn Foundation, and the Philippine Guidance Counselors Association (PGCA) celebrate Mental Health Awareness Days with emphasis on suicide prevention on September 18 to 21, 2017. The theme of the celebration is “Finding Happiness Within.” The program for the celebration is found … Continue reading
The Cebuano Studies Center launched its Nueva Fuerza online archive last August 31, 2017 at Rigney Hall in University of San Carlos Talamban Campus. The online archive is the product of the Shared Future Project: Enhancement of the Cebuano Studies Center, sponsored by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). The project was … Continue reading