National Seafarer’s Sunday First reading: Nm. 11:25–29 The LORD came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses. Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses, the LORD bestowed it on the seventy elders; and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied. Now two men, one named Eldad and the other … Continue reading
Since its establishment, the University of San Carlos has pioneered various research studies and pilot programs in the pursuit of delivering quality education. As one of the leading higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines, USC has contributed significantly to the country’s educational landscape. In recent years, the mode of learning continues to evolve and … Continue reading
The University of San Carlos retained its autonomous status from September 16, 2024 to September 15, 2027, according to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Order no. 7 (s.2024). As an autonomous higher education institution (HEI), USC will have the freedom to determine and prescribe curricular programs, grant honorary degrees, and exemptions from regular … Continue reading
USC Department of Architecture students are champions, 1st runner up, and 2nd runner up during the 2024 Projeto Ideas and Design Competition on September 15, 2024 held at the IEC Convention Center, Cebu City. The Carolinian contingent is composed of the following teams: “Team AKKA” – Grand Winner and People’s Choice AwardeeMembers: Amanda Grace Kaw, … Continue reading
Fourth-year Electronics Engineering students Charles Sosmeña and Philip Joaquin Basa emerged as champions in Lear’s 8th Innovation Olympics on September 12, 2024, at Lear’s Philippine Engineering Technological Center, MEPZ 2, Lapu-Lapu City. The USC contingent’s groundbreaking research highlights the adaptive control of an inverted pendulum system using reinforcement learning employing the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic … Continue reading
First reading: Wis. 2:12,17–20 The wicked say: Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us; he sets himself against our doings, reproaches us for transgressions of the law and charges us with violations of our training. Let us see whether his words be true; let us find out what will happen … Continue reading