First reading: Sir. 27:4–7 When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults when one speaks. As the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace, so in tribulation is the test of the just. The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had; so too does one’s … Continue reading
Two Carolinian graduates tied for first place in the February 2022 Board Licensure Examination for Psychologists administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). Eva Marie P. Gacasan and Marc Clint A. Maceda both garnered a rating of 84.45 percent in the Psychologist board exam. Aside from the two first-placers, USC also produced a 100% passing … Continue reading
The right of children to return to school for their education is challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially if the risk of infection in their classrooms is high. Reducing the viral load in the ambient air can be achieved using expensive high-tech air-filter technologies, however schools in remote and financially challenged regions may not be … Continue reading
First reading: 1 Sm. 26:2,7–9,12–13,22–23 In those days, Saul went down to the desert of Ziph with three thousand picked men of Israel, to search for David in the desert of Ziph. So David and Abishai went among Saul’s soldiers by night and found Saul lying asleep within the barricade, with his spear thrust into … Continue reading
Starting February 21, 2022, the University of San Carlos will reopen its libraries for face-to-face service/transaction. A limited number of users will be accommodated per day in compliance with the necessary mandated protocols. Below are the libraries that will be accessible: The USC Library System also released a list of available services for the Carolinian … Continue reading
Climate change is a global problem that needs immediate attention. Its worsening effects are imminent and can no longer be ignored. However, it’s not too late to do something. Scientists and researchers all over the world have tirelessly worked together to come up with innovative solutions to mitigate the worsening effects of climate change. But … Continue reading