Three teams represented the University of San Carlos in the Farmer Entrepreneurship Program Youth Challenge boot camp and design thinking workshop held last November 14–17, 2017 in Rizal, Laguna. The three interdisciplinary groups are Team Ceres (Camara, Literal, Monzon, Romarate and Tabaranza), Team Catalyst (Tio, Tan, Yap, Po and Gerolaga) and Team Bukad (Bentulan, Sanico, … Continue reading
The Department of Psychology of the University of San Carlos provided psychosocial services to evacuees from war-torn Marawi City housed in Cagayan de Oro City to help the government in its rebuilding efforts. The 15-member USC Psychology team composed of faculty members and graduate students administered psychological first aid to evacuees who have been housed … Continue reading
The Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 73, series of 2017 designates the University of San Carlos as a Delivering Higher Education Institution for the Modified CHED 2nd Generation General Education (GE) Faculty Training in preparation for teaching the new GE core courses in 2018. Nine core courses are offered at USC namely Art … Continue reading
Beginning 2nd semester, AY 2017-18, Fr. Jerry M. Perocho, SVD, M.A. joins the USC Board of Trustees while Fr. Dennis B. Testado, SVD, M.B.A. is named Board of Trustee and USC Corporation secretary. Fr. Eleno P. Bucia, SVD, M.A., who is currently Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office (KTTO) Director, assumes a new position as Officer-in-Charge … Continue reading
Blanche Marie M. Abellana had an average of 84.40, good for 2nd place, while Ma. Ericka Danielle L. Salazar placed 8th in the recently released results for the Psychometrician licensure examination held in October 2017 in ten cities nationwide. USC had 114 successful examinees out of 140 takers, or an 81.43% passing rate for the … Continue reading
Marcia P. Butastas earned an average of 89.33 and tied for 10th place in the Certified Public Accountant licensure examination administered by the Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy in October 2017 in nine cities in the Philippines. Three of six first-time takers from USC, including Butastas, passed the examination. Nationwide, only 4,511 examinees out of … Continue reading