B.S. Accountancy students Kyle Nicholas Taganas, Jeliel Bolido, Caroline Oliverio, Kristina Noelle Vistal, and Jericka Mapula ranked 1st in the 23rd Inter-Collegiate Finance Competition Regional Level Eliminations conducted on October 27, 2023. Aside from ranking 1st at the regional level, the Carolinian contingent also placed 10th nationwide, earning them a spot in the final round … Continue reading
Four students from the USC Department of Pharmacy participated in the Sakura Science Exchange Program (SSP) from October 15 to 21, 2023 at the Okayama University in Japan. The USC delegation was composed of Master of Science in Pharmacy students Beatrix Loyao and James Senido and Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy students Stan Matthew Taylaran … Continue reading
First reading: Ex. 22:20–26 Thus says the LORD: “You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt. You shall not wrong any widow or orphan. If ever you wrong them and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry. My wrath will … Continue reading
The University of San Carlos was one of the Cebu-based organizers of the 2023 Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) National Convention held on October 17-20, 2023, at the Cebu Waterfront Hotel in Lahug, Cebu City. Founded in 1941, CEAP is the national association of Catholic education institutions in the Philippines. To date, it … Continue reading
The University of San Carlos was ranked as the 3rd performing school nationwide after garnering a 92.50% overall rate in the October 2023 Chemical Engineers Licensure Examination administered by the Professional Regulation Commission. USC Department of Chemical Engineering has a total of 37 passers. Meanwhile, 651 out of 927 examinees (70.23%) successfully passed the licensure … Continue reading
First reading: Is. 45:1,4–6 Thus says the LORD to his anointed, Cyrus, whose right hand I grasp, subduing nations before him, and making kings run in his service, opening doors before him and leaving the gates unbarred: For the sake of Jacob, my servant, of Israel, my chosen one, I have called you by your … Continue reading