Four graduate students from the University of San Carlos School of Education (SEd) attended the 7th and final leg of the Leadership Boot Camp held at Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City on November 23–27, 2022. The event, which was part of the Department of Science and Technology Science Education Institute’s (DOST SEI) Patriot Scholar Project, … Continue reading
Four accountancy students of the University of San Carlos ranked 3rd in the National Round of Deloitte’s Tax Challenge 2022. USC’s Team ASTURIA, composed of Samantha H. Galano, Megan D. Mendoza, Ross Nicolette A. Perez, and Marianne Rose M. Rael placed 3rd out of the 10 teams who competed in the national round. Prior to … Continue reading
The University of San Carlos Department of Nursing garnered a 100% passing percentage of its first-time takers in the November 2022 Nursing Licensure Examination administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on November 12-13, 2022. USC had an overall passing rating of 86.67% compared to the national passing of 74.40%. In total, 18,529 examinees out … Continue reading
Forty-nine graduates of the University of San Carlos Department of Civil Engineering hurdled the November 2022 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination administered by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on November 19-20, 2022. USC garnered an overall passing percentage of 75.38 well above the national average of 39.34%. Only 8,029 out of 20,407 examinees passed the board … Continue reading
First reading: Is. 11:1–10 On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse, and from his roots a bud shall blossom. The spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him: a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of … Continue reading
The USC Supreme Student Council (SSC), in collaboration with student organizations under the School of Business and Economics, is organizing Carolinian Playscape: Info Sessions, a two-day blended event on December 3-4, 2022. Aspiring student entrepreneurs are invited to learn about administrative strategy, social media marketing, product or service development, and government guides and privileges which … Continue reading