Salares, Val B. Degrees B.S. Biology, University of San Carlos, 1988 M.S. Biology, University of San Carlos, 1994 Research interests: Plant taxonomy and systematics, field biology, STS studies Recent Publications: 1. Pelser, P. B.; Salares, V. B.; Barcelona, J. F. 2019. Gymnosiphon philippinensis, a new species of Burmanniaceae from Cebu, Philippines. Phytotaxa 402:1-5. 2. Salares, V. B.; Obico, J. … Continue reading

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Sayson, Stephanie L.

Degrees B.S. Biology, University of San Carlos M.S. Biology, University of San Carlos Back to Department Homepage

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Valles, Dave Anthony P. Degree B.S. Marine Biology, University of San Carlos, 1992 Research Interests: Marine biodiversity, reef assessment and monitoring, molluscan and scleractinian coral taxonomy Recent Publication: 1. Valles, D. A.; Wagas, E.; Gastardo, B.; Santos, A. A.; Diola, A. G.; Dy, D. T. 2017. “Accidental macrofaunal in underwater caves.” In: Biodiversity Management Bureau. Philippine Caves: Beneath … Continue reading

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Yurong, Rosemarie R. Degrees B.S. Zoology, Southwestern University M.S. Biology, University of San Carlos, 1983 Ph.D. Biology, University of San Carlos Research Interests: Botany, systematics, evolutionary biology Back to Department Homepage

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